Eyewear Styles
Today’s assortment of sunglasses offers numerous styles of frames and countless accents to choose from. Here’s a list of the recommended styles for each of the seven face shapes:
- Square – TRY: Oval and round frames; glasses with temples that are center set or that connect at the top of the frame. AVOID: Geometric and square frames that accentuate angles of the face; low-set temples or color accents on the bottom of the frames that draw emphasis to the chin. Best Frames: Oval, round, Aviator/Pilot, Cat Eye
- Round – TRY: Angular and geometric frames that sharpen facial features; rectangular and horizontal styles make faces appear longer and thinner; glasses with temples that connect at the top of the frame add length. AVOID: Small frames that are out of proportion; short frames that accentuate face length. Best Frames: Rectangle, Square, Shield, Wayfarer, Wrap
- Triangle – TRY: Semi-rimless frames that accentuate the upper face; top-heavy styles that balance the width of the jaw; frame bottoms that angle inward. AVOID: Low-set temples that widen the jaw; narrow frames that are out of proportion. Best Frames: Cat Eye, Semi-rimless, Aviator/Pilot, Straight-top frames, Wayfarer
- Oval – TRY: Most frame shapes work with oval faces; square, rectangular, and geometric shapes that add angles to soft curves. AVOID: Narrow frames that draw attention to narrow eye line. Best Frames: Rectangle, Rimless, Semi-rimless, Oval, Round, Aviator/Pilot, Shield, Square, Wayfarer, Wrap
- Oblong – TRY: Tall frames that help create a shorter face; broad glasses with an accented top rim or decorative temple that adds width. AVOID: Small frames that are out of proportion; short frames that accentuate face length. Best Frames: Round, Square, Rectangular, Over-sized
- Diamond – TRY: Upswept styles like cat eye that emphasize the cheek bones; oval frames that maintain balance; rimless styles that allow cheek bones to show. AVOID: Narrow frames that draw attention to narrow eye line. Best Frames: Fathom, Oval, Softly Curved Square, Aviator/Pilot
- Heart/Inverted Triangle – TRY: Bottom-heavy frames that add width to lower face; styles with low-set temples to draw attention downward; narrow, round frames that soften the forehead. AVOID: Top-heavy styles that draw attention upward; decorative temples that accentuate the broad upper face. Best Frames: Cat Eye, Aviator/Pilot, Rimless, Round, Semi-rimless, Square
Hopefully, these recommendations are helpful, but remember every face is unique, regardless of its shape, due to its facial features. With that in mind, feel free to venture from the recommendations if there are frames you particularly like, or that people have said look good on you. Like everything else you wear, you must feel confident and comfortable in your sunglasses, since they are an expression of your individuality.